In light of the concern expressed by local officials, the foundation has decided to stop distributing the cards.
The local community board says the restaurant promised to stop distributing its menus.
During this process, one company we visited actually stopped distributing selected management reports to determine whether anyone would miss them.
Is there a new organisation or have they just stopped distributing their reports online?
The company said it had stopped distributing the beer, at least temporarily, and was exploring its options.
"They stopped distributing the money, but now they will distribute it."
The journal got a demand from Eliot's solicitors to stop distributing the issue.
But the board cannot make a case for better pay until it stops distributing jobs as patronage spoils.
Her orders were that I was to stop distributing the tips indicated on credit card receipts.
The company must immediately stop distributing Synthroid if it misses the deadline, the agency said.