It is also widely used in sake production to stop fermentation before it is complete, which can help prevent degradation or give a dry taste.
In commercial production, the beer may first be pasteurized before packaging to stop fermentation and extend shelf life.
It is fortified with brandy to stop fermentation before all the natural sugar is turned into alcohol.
Alcohol in late-harvest wines is lower than normal because the wine makers stop fermentation to preserve as much as possible of the natural sugar.
When the alcoholic content has reached about 8 percent, grape brandy is added to stop fermentation.
It's almost always pasteurized to stop fermentation, but it's usually unstable anyway.
Since sulphites are used to stop fermentation, this technique reduces the usage of sulphites.
This can be influenced by choosing the right moment when to stop fermentation:
Sorbate is often used as a yeast-inhibitor by homemakers to stop alcoholic fermentation in the production of sweet wines.
Naturally sweet wines are made by stopping fermentation before all the sugar has been converted.