City officials, worried about pollution and congestion, stopped granting permits for free-standing garages more than a decade ago.
Local banks soon stopped granting mortgages and home-improvement loans for the area.
The administration's decision on March 24 to stop granting the educational licenses has set off a flurry of protests from prominent cultural institutions.
A year later, a court ruled in their favor, and the government stopped granting habitation rights.
The company also stopped granting any independent distributors exclusive territories.
The Bureau stopped granting new appropriations in 1934, and by 1937 all prior commitments were completed.
"We could stop granting all construction here tomorrow, and there would be enough permits left to allow building for another two and a half years."
Hayes stopped granting new star route contracts, but let existing contracts continue to be enforced.
He insists he will stop granting concessions to employers.
Mr. Alvarado said he stopped granting variances because of a space crunch.