Franklin was clearly a man who never stopped inventing.
"What are we supposed to do, stop inventing things?"
She'd show Francesca that she could shoulder the burden- and once that was done, her mother could stop inventing excuses.
Mr. Volk never stopped inventing things, including a device to keep adjacent washers and dryers from rattling, which was used only in his own home.
Kahlan rubbed her shoulders as she paced, and admonished herself to stop inventing problems to worry about.
We have to stop inventing role models and pariahs on the fly.
So: Stop inventing non-existent arguments, and contribute something useful.
Ms. Pucillo was baffled by pedagogical questions like when children should stop inventing spelling and spell by the rules.
"That was when I stopped inventing and became a consulting engineer," he said.
Do try and stop inventing little tasks.