In response, the government stopped issuing new "big licenses" in 1956, and limited their transfer.
Congress, which has control over the city's budget, entered the fray after insurance companies stopped issuing new health-care coverage to all Washington residents.
"Since the city stopped issuing new permits, people are selling them for $6,000."
But that rate has been challenged since November 2001, when the government stopped issuing the 30-year bond.
Provinces must also stop issuing the bonds that have been widely used for the last 18 months to pay local government employees and suppliers.
That disparity is one reason California stopped issuing standard-offer contracts.
When we don't need them, we would stop issuing the visas.
Then it stopped issuing new ones and allowed the price to be set by the market.
Meanwhile, the price of the Treasury's 30-year bonds rose for a second day after the government said it would stop issuing them.
To save paper, the visa department next year will stop issuing a new document for each trip to a country in the Eastern bloc.