Chemicals produced by the embryo stop the woman's menstrual cycle.
Grundy expresses a desire to stop his cycle of dying and being reborn and so it appears he enlists the help of Professor Ivo to build him an Amazo body to live in forever.
Dr. Battaglia is allowing this indulgence for three weeks, to stop her cycle of threatening behavior.
So in many cases, a South American talent stops its natural cycle of technical development and is landed in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey or Greece (for the least well promoted and/or having the lousiest agent) or in the best case scenario the EPL, La Liga or Serie A (or B).
They spotted him, came back, stopped his cycle, and demanded to know his name and address.
The Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremić added that KFOR needed to stop its cycle of violence and stressed that UN Resolution 1244 needed to be respected as it sought a peaceful solution.
Even if the most optimistic predictions come true for the economic effects of lower taxes on investment profits and other Republican initiatives, he said, they would not be enough to stop the economy's boom-bust cycle.