The surviving members work together to discover a means to stop the Plutonian's rampage.
The Avengers manage to stop his rampage in the end.
She must journey into her own past to seek a weapon stronger than magic that can finally stop the Dragon's rampage.
To restore order, Walker must return to the mine and stop the machine's malfunctioning rampage.
The protesters stop their rampage, but Misha is already lying on the floor, bleeding from a head wound.
The Spectre is once again forced into a human host, stopping his mad rampage.
The Kirihara brothers eventually track him down and stop his rampage.
If played correctly, Lyle will begin opening new traps that can be used to stop Eddie's rampage.
Maud implored the beast during her visits afterward to stop its rampage.
Mothra was sent to stop Battra's rampage and restore the natural order.