"But all I know is that he ran out of bounds to stop the clock with 55 seconds left."
The referee stopped the fight with 26 seconds to go in the last round.
The clock stopped with 9 hours, one minute, and 16.3 seconds to go.
Q. It is a fact that the clock stopped with 0.2 seconds left on it.
However, the Canucks touched the puck to stop play with 1.1 seconds left in regulation.
Even though Taylor had made it to his feet in time, Steele chose to stop the fight with two seconds left.
He spiked the ball to stop the clock with 13 seconds remaining.
Bailey got out of bounds to stop the clock with 41 seconds left.
The Bills stopped the clock with 8 seconds remaining.
Michigan State rushed to spike the ball on 1st down, stopping the clock with 17 seconds remaining.