Whenever a storage controller had a data transfer ready, it arbitrated for the use of the Massbus's synchronous data channel.
For enhanced availability, VMSclusters support the use of dual-ported disks connected to two machines or storage controllers simultaneously.
Many storage controllers also support LUN masking.
Access boot servers and storage controllers in order to collect data without having the actual physical hardware device.
Servers access SVC as if it were a storage controller.
Active/Active: In a system that has two storage controllers, each controller can process I/O.
If the virtualization is implemented in the network or higher, this renders any replication services provided by the underlying storage controllers useless.
It applies to the actual physical storage controllers and the hosts, their operating systems, multi-pathing software and connectivity hardware.
A primary storage controller provides the virtualization services and allows the direct attachment of other storage controllers.
Writes are aggregated and the storage controller tries to write only complete stripes including both parity blocks.