Generally, there are few hardware array controllers to many host devices and storage disks.
It is particularly useful when the storage disks become full, or if a certain package does not need to be stored online.
"I'm outta here," Luki said, packing up a few storage disks in a plastic box.
She glared at it, then manipulated the controls to transcribe the message to a storage disk unheard.
The volume appears on your server similar to a local storage disk.
Therefore, periodically, the database system must perform a checkpoint to write these updates which are held in-memory to the storage disk.
When mainframe-related storage disks and printers are included, the figure rises to roughly $14 billion.
The key to its resuscitation, they hope, is a new drive that can change any standard diskette into a high-capacity storage disk of sorts.
Not since I removed the magnetic storage disks.
F'lessan clattered down with the keypad, decoder box, and storage disks.