Many of those that remain are presently idle, but a new ethanol plant started in 2007 will use some of the elevators to store corn.
Over time it has been used to store corn, and the second storey was used as a pigeon coop.
It is possible to store hay, straw, and corn in the sheaf in ricks outside.
It is a replica of a Mesoamerican construction made of clay and palm fronds used to store corn.
The complex has seven rooms built inside the cave, with a huge circular barn that from afar seems to be a large dimension pot, which was used to store corn and squash.
The pits were lined with bark by the native Americans and used to store corn over the winter months.
Its original function was to store dried corn and other foodstuffs.
Large earthenware vessels, sealed with stone lids, were used to store harvested corn and protect it from rodents and rotting.
Then, looking through the trees, he saw the stone walls and opening of what was apparently one of the Anasazi shelters for storing corn.