The store will employ about 250 people, with about 70 percent of them full-time.
The store employed 80 people during the "busy season" in the early 1900s.
The no-spritzing policy will still be in effect, and the store employs its own beauty sales personnel.
The store employs 76 staff, most of them part-time, and about 14 administration posts at Rhyl will disappear.
Together, the two stores will employ about 600 people.
In addition to a store leader, each store employs about 3-5 shift leaders.
The store will have 15,000 square feet of retail space and will employ over 100 people, the company said yesterday.
The store employed 15 employees, and no other locations were cited.
Mr. Cashman said the store employs about 350 people, most hired from the local area.
The company operate 18 stores in Ireland employing 269 people.