"Now, we are saying 50 to 60 percent of the merchandise will be committed by the buyer and the store will fill in the rest."
For weeks, Devera browsed the local stores, and in her mind filled every room of an apartment.
The store fills three trucks with empties every week.
The stores fill an empty space in America, a yearning for community.
Within a couple of weeks, the store was filling orders 30 percent faster and making fewer mistakes.
The goals are similar here, as stores are once again filling with food and other supplies.
Ian's relentless store of canned jokes fills Emma with chagrin.
Along with Von Maur, several other stores and shops have filled some vacant space in the complex.
The store fills the town house's four floors with mainly hand-crafted goods, and at each level tries to mimic a different residential space.
Meanwhile, the stores are filling with third-party software boxes displaying the official Windows 95 logo.