Find handy tips for buying and storing meat, milk, cheese, and other perishables.
Most students have access to a refrigerator where they can store yogurt, milk, fruit or vegetables and a low-fat dip.
And it lets you store extra milk for future use.
You can store milk in the refrigerator or freezer for times when someone else will be taking care of your baby.
We asked about renting a room refrigerator for storing milk and juice for the kids.
They carried their supplies in metal buckets of the sort used elsewhere to store milk.
When storing milk for home use, wash your hands before expressing (pumping).
There is a legend - with variations - about the discovery of cheese by an Arab trader who used this method of storing milk.
Shopkeepers, they say, do not have the facilities to store milk for nine days, and consumers are not getting as fresh a product.
Milk room or milk house, to store milk.