You can store hundreds and thousands of e-books in your computer.
You and I may be indifferent about nuclear waste stored thousands of miles away in Nevada, for example.
You can store thousands of books on a very small hard drive.
Some champagne producers still use limestone caves in their region to store thousands and thousands of bottles before they are ready to be released.
It can store thousands of songs on its 20-gigabyte hard drive, and is also a 1.2-megapixel camera.
Back in the 90's the big problem they had was where to store thousands of lobster pots.
It will be paved with asphalt and used to store thousands of containers.
Jack says this is where they store thousands of tons of deepfrozen liquified natural gas.
Recent mobile phones have the ability to store thousands of photos and can be used to take photos with resolutions up to several megapixels.
A 1-gigabyte flash drive can store thousands of documents, though its light weight and small size also make it easy to lose.