On land, carbon is often stored between several years or several hundred years.
Only the cost for one edge can be stored between each pair of vertices.
The monks' residence is classical French style and a couple of longboats are stored here between races.
Because the gallbladder is gone, bile no longer is stored between meals.
On the north side of the stage, stone archways have been removed so that sets and props can be stored between acts.
The brush hair is delicate and must be stored properly between usage.
The arms are stored between the engines in fighter mode and fold out to the sides, reaching around from behind the legs.
Details of where the guns would be stored between flights, and guidelines about their legal use, were left to the security agency to determine.
Each owner's clothes and accessories will be stored between cruises.
Fraternities now buy beer in cans, he said, which can be stored between social functions.