Credit cards and identification cards may be stored horizontally or vertically.
With the length of 60 ft, these missiles were stored horizontally on the ground and were erected only when ready for firing or during training exercises.
If stored horizontally, sleeves tend to ovalize, producing several types of mechanical problems.
The missile was kept in semi-hard facilities in which the missile was stored above ground horizontally above ground.
It was also the first ever personal weapon to have a folding magazine so the longer than usual magazine could be stored horizontally within the wooden stock.
The missiles were stored horizontally on transporter-erector trailers and covered by a retractable missile shelter.
This also is why wine bottles are stored horizontally, to keep the liquid in contact with the cork.
The large barrels, which are stored horizontally, have a small tap in the lid at about head-height.
The blade should be stored horizontally in its sheath, curve down and edge facing upward to maintain the edge.
Hand-coloured cased photographs should be stored horizontally, in a single layer, preferably faced down.