The alleged ring leader was operating his criminal enterprise out of small storefront shop located along W. Market Street.
And, in fact, North Main Street here is the home primarily of small storefront shops and companies.
Half get sold in the storefront shop; proceeds enable the group to ship the rest to developing countries.
At dusk he parked at a small storefront shop and bought a thick grain porridge, slightly sweetened, for dinner.
The company virtually created the business of "quick printing" via storefront shops that printed from disposable plates on duplicators.
Not everyone thinks storefront shops are the best approach.
At the southwest corner is a large building that today consists of rental apartments and trendy storefront shops.
Mr. Swan, who has sold 25,000 copies of the book, is happy to meet with anyone stepping into his storefront shop at 30 Main Street.
For a storefront shop, the place was a disaster.
Metalworkers bang on pieces of copper in storefront shops barely bigger than steamer trunks.