She originally intended to perform mainly her own puppet shows, but the storefront theater soon attracted other puppeteers from around New England and farther.
Under the Edison Trust, they were able to make their mark in a brand-new business: the exhibition of films in storefront theaters called nickelodeons.
A storefront theater and installation space (the "Little Roxie") that seats 48.
Start a storefront theater, goes his prompter.
Small "storefront" theaters with only a few dozen seats sprang up.
Even the most dance-wary types will feel at home in Chashama's casual, walk-in storefront theater, where new and practiced experimentalist choreographers will present their work.
Maverick Theater, a storefront theater in Fullerton, California, U.S.
The Maverick Theater is a storefront theater in the city of Fullerton, California, in Orange County.
His storefront theater is downstairs.
The space consisted of a storefront theatre capable of seating 75, with living spaces for members in the back and basement.