He was bent over a patch of silt some past storm had deposited on the pavement and no moss or grass had yet covered over.
Still, the storm deposited inches of rain across the Gulf Coast, knocking down trees and washing out some roads.
For all the howling and rushing of the night before, the storm had deposited only enough snow to provide a light blanket on the ground.
These storms can deposit large amounts of precipitation in the watershed, producing significant runoff, which quickly surpasses the capacity of the river channel, and bridge and culvert openings.
In the second issue, a cosmic storm deposited them far from Earth and they have adventures while they try to work their way home.
An especially cold storm will occassionally deposit wet snow on the peaks.
The storm has removed some sand from the Gulf beach and deposited on the road, covering it.
Here storms and currents had hauled tons of sand away from the north shore and deposited them on the southern cape.
It is likely that severe tropical storms swept up large quantities of shells and other invertebrates and deposited them in this way.
The storm destroyed the electrical system, broke most of the windows and doors and deposited tons of mud on the arena's floor.