Most state transportation agencies have used flowable fill mainly as a trench backfill for storm drainage and utility lines on street and highway projects.
A public hearing in September and subsequent zoning decisions will determine the number of units and resolve local concerns about increased traffic and storm drainage.
Since a major source is storm drainage, it swells considerably during rains.
The canal has long acted as a neighborhood sink, a repository for storm drainage, sewage overflow and industrial waste.
The levees in Terrebonne Parish are earthen barriers designed for storm drainage, not for hurricane protection.
These worries were voiced in Congress last summer after medical waste threatened beaches and heavy rains produced storm drainage that bypassed sewage treatment plants.
However, a city or town may be sued when carrying out a "proprietary" function, such as providing gas, electricity, water, sewage collection and disposal, or storm drainage.
The residents want a new, separate system for storm drainage.
Lack of follow-up on storm drainage and underground utilities assessments.
Outside of Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna, each municipality is directly responsible for its own water supply, sewerage, and storm drainage.