In the Sierras, the storm dropped up to two feet of snow snow at ski resorts around Lake Tahoe and triggered an avalanche that closed a road south of Reno.
The storm triggered flooding in western Cuba that severely damaged tobacco and vegetable crops.
These storms triggered tornado warning across the southern portions of the state was they moved west.
The storm was just triggering memories of the last time they had been in a storm together.
The storm also triggered a series of catastrophic landslides which left four dead, thirteen missing, and fourteen people missing.
The storms have triggered widespread flooding, threatening several communities.
The storm triggered 14 landslides, flooded 50 homes and cut power to 800 residences.
"You think the solar storms triggered the quakes-and the pillar had something to do with it?"
Until now, the political storms triggered by the infamous reforms so dear to the liberals in the Council and the Commission stopped at the borders of the Member States.
Monitoring is essential to predicting the behavior of landslides and forecasting which storms can trigger large numbers of landslides.