Where the storm flood of 1170 made a beginning, this storm worsened it, washing away large peat areas.
Having piled their luggage in the back bedroom, they headed out for food before the storm worsened.
The storm worsened, something he had not thought possible.
As the storm worsens a massive storm surge hits Manhattan.
Hundreds of seafarers were stuck in ports in the north as the storm worsened.
It turned out to be another mile at best, while the storm and the road worsened.
As the storm worsened, police departments had officers staged at major intersections to help in the direction of traffic.
If the storm worsened, cutting visibility farther, they would have a better chance of slipping away from the motel unobserved.
Night fell early and with it the storm worsened.
But the captain remained optimistic that the storm would not worsen.