The show's stormy history, however, reminds us that in the theater these days, even pleasant diversion doesn't come easy.
Or according to other sources in 1841 "with a rather stormy history."
Originally a Celtic settlement and later a Roman one, it has had a stormy history.
And it takes a visitor into the Beaujolais, a beautiful, little-traveled part of the country with a stormy history.
Louis Armstrong has a complicated admissions process as a result of the stormy history that preceded its opening in 1979.
But the site itself, now a museum and memorial in southern Poland, has had an equally stormy history.
For Disney, the park would be its first significant beachhead in China, a nation with which it has had a long and occasionally stormy history.
The release of revised aid figures this month was but the latest round in the act's stormy 19-month history.
They write engagingly about St. Petersburg's stormy history, political and cultural, since 1705.
In the country's stormy history courtyards have also served as centers of rebellion.