The story alternates between the two main characters, Dillon and Jennifer, both high school athletes dealing with personal issues.
The story alternates between the film industry and the Las Vegas Strip casinos, showing how the Mafia is linked to them both.
The story alternates chapters between 12-year-old Megin and her 15-year-old brother Greg.
Omniscient point of view is also referred to as alternating point of view, because the story sometimes alternates between characters.
The story alternated with cartoons that were called Teatrilladas.
The story alternates between voices, but also between pictures and words.
This story alternates with the story Yuri's childhood, which tells how his colony was destroyed by the striviiric-na when he was four.
The story alternates between the experiences of Conan and Lanna.
The story alternates between sections set in the present day with Heath and other sections showing the history of the Haggadah.
The story alternates between the French reaction to the mass immigration and the attitude of the immigrants.