The story follows John's development through boarding school and examines the changing relationship with his father as he enters adulthood.
The story is loosely based on a true case and examines the issue of human trafficking and sexual slavery.
The story examines desire, wisdom, and human will.
But other stories, including the title story, examine similar issues in all their complexity.
The stories examine the morality of the so-called True Game and other related issues.
The stories examine the concepts through interactions among family members, relatives, friends and neighbors.
Generally, his stories involve Japan and examine the moral choices that people make in extreme situations.
Several other stories examine blue-collar life from the more complicated perspective of the small-town boy who's gone to the city.
The story examines how people cope with the terrible choices forced on them by violence, race hatred, and the state.
Also, a story examines the proliferation of 300-pound players in the NFL.