History shows that even the biggest stories must fade across time.
People tell reporters about the outrage they feel, he said, but the stories fade no matter how bold the headlines.
The universe is not ending, and the story of the Pelagic will again fade into history.
After a report that she had sought $300,000 to tell her story to a tabloid or in a book, the story faded away.
Fortunately for us, there's no lack of violent crime in this city, and the story has already faded from the front pages.
And sure enough, for most of us, the story faded from memory.
"With help from our friends in the media, the story can just fade away - am I right?"
The silly (money spending) season is here, so this story and further revelations will quickly fade into the background for a while.
Now that everything was out in the open, he knew the story would fade quickly.
For most people the story faded after a day or two of sensational news coverage.