The blindingly obvious link between Curtis and the story of Noah's Ark, something I haven't yet seen written about, is very interesting.
This legend is comparable to the other flood legends, such as the story of the Noah's Ark mentioned in the Bible and the Quran.
The minister compares the war and its flood of blood to the biblical story of Noah's Ark.
The show's premise was inspired by the story of Noah's Ark, and the characters were given names taken from the Hebrew Bible.
This year, she was finishing the editing of the book, about the story of Noah's Ark, told through the eyes of Noah's wife.
The movie is loosely based on the story of Noah's Ark.
The scriptural story of Noah and his Ark describes the end of a corrupt civilization and its replacement with a remade world.
The terms refer to the story of Noah's Ark in which the dove came to symbolize the hope of salvation and peace.
It is based on the story of Noah's Ark.
It retells the Biblical story of Noah's Ark.