His stories.As this article intimates, his stories may veer into melodrama at times but for the most part, they're dramatic rather than melodramatic.
This marvelous story begins by striking a note of gentle suburban nostalgia, but slowly veers into sexually charged surrealism.
The story veers from somber criminal sentimentality to blasé humor.
But turn the page and the story veers away from David and Goliath into a tale more fitting in this "get rich with a click" era.
But once he had her license and registration and was back in his patrol car, the story veered away from the old familiar script.
The story quickly veers away from its mordant roots to focus on a more mundane question: Will the wedding take place?
That story, nonetheless veers toward old-fashioned melodrama, with the trappings of a Hollywood historical spectacle.
The story then veers back and forward between his story and the mermaid's.
Here is where the story veers from the novel's course.
By that point, her story had veered back on itself.