"More and more, the public expects nonfiction books to be like this: to have that perfect, seamless storytelling quality," said H. G. Bissinger, the author of the new nonfiction book "A Prayer for the City" who has been publicly critical of what he labels faction.
Stuart Cooper's short about the work of Spanish artist Juan Genovés is an inspired introduction to the works of this extraordinary artist, exploring it's minimalist aesthetic and storytelling qualities through a variety of cinematic techniques, including rostrum, animation, news footage and live action recreations.
His roots in three distinct heritages inspired his eclectic songwriting, which has been described as a blend of punk, rock and roll balladry, and traditional Irish folk Musically, Hurley is oft-noted for his soulful ("whiskey-tinged") baritone and the storytelling quality of his lyrics.
His design philosophy, which he labels "Marketplace of Ideas" is to conceive "great" civic spaces that "restore the storytelling quality of architecture."
Ms. Brown sees parallels between the art of ukiyo-e and hip-hop: their storytelling quality, broad popular appeal and celebration of material pleasures.
Before returning to Kuala Lumpur for a tour in late-2009, Knight released a five-track EP titled The Sensation of Flying that brings the storytelling quality of his music to the forefront with a focus on breezy melodies and their accompanying words.
"He bucked prevailing fashion, opted to paint the everyday man," Ms. Johnson said, adding that the storytelling quality, the appeal of the common man and the highly personal documentation made what he was doing radical in his day.
The exhibit contains photographs, technical displays, books and cartoons which indicate how the masterpiece was fabricated and the influence it had on the storytelling qualities of some forms of art down through the centuries.
Raja Rao's Kanthapura is Indian in terms of its storytelling qualities.
I was immediately drawn to the Lincoln Writing Dictionary for Children (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, $17.95) because of its storytelling quality.