There now there was war between them and the invading Orcs; for they were stout-hearted men and would not lightly forsake the woods they loved.
He was a stout-hearted man; even when he was tiresome, I could not keep from liking him.
While he understood her composure in the face of Liza's crisis-babies were women's business-he knew the most stout-hearted man would fear these odds.
It delivers healing right where it is most needed; and yet even the most stout-hearted men still fear its sting.
The volume was turned way up, and suddenly the loudspeaker howled: "Ooooooooooooh, give me some men, who are stout-hearted men, who will fight for the right they adore . . ." Paul looked around the room.
LYING abed after the stout-hearted men's evening at the Kroner's, Doctor Paul Proteus, son of a successful man, himself rich with prospects of being richer, counted his material blessings.
On hearing of his sentence, one of them, a stout-hearted man, pulled out his handkerchief and walked away, weeping like a child.
Tex began humming something about "-stout-hearted men-," then broke off suddenly.
A stout-hearted man, protected by the most powerful incantations of the palace priests, might find a way to destroy their malevolent powers by means of a poisoned draught or a knife-thrust delivered in the dead of night.
It was not cowardice, for physically he was one of the most stout-hearted men that ever lived.