Waring was born in Pound Ridge, New York, the son of George E. Waring, Sr., a wealthy stove manufacturer.
To improve outdoor air quality, stove manufacturers have reduced the amount of volatile gases emitted by stoves, and this diminishes the buildup of creosote.
In the years since it has housed a shoe maker, rubber company, stove manufacturer, glove company, the Krispy Kone Company and the Kaplan Hat Company.
Mr. Erickson combs hardware stores and the dingy warehouses once used by stove manufacturers.
Some stove manufacturers, like Pyro Industries based in Everett, Wash., have taken the technology of wood-burning appliances to a new level with the introduction of the pellet stove.
The property owned by the Detroit Shipbuilding Company at Atwood and Orleans passed through several hands, being used by a cabinet shop and a stove manufacturer in the early 1930s.
Abigail Norton married Henry Bush, a stove manufacturer and a radical abolitionist, in 1833.
Modern building techniques have created more airtight homes, forcing many stove manufacturers to recommend that their stoves be installed with outside air intake.
Specific requirements will be laid down by the stove manufacturer.
Her father is a chairman of the G. S. Blodgett Corporation, a stove manufacturer in Burlington, Vt.