Panille's large brown eyes looked out with a deep sense of intelligence beneath straight brows.
She saw nothing in this man's round eyes, straight brow, or the pleasant enough line of his mouth that looked at all familiar to her.
Two cold eyes under straight black brows looked sharply out from behind the goggles.
He responded only with a significant lifting of his straight brows.
His face had a handsomely exotic cast with straight black brows.
She was tall, with black hair and straight brows over grey eyes.
He raised his straight brows, stared for an instant longer, and then went past me, out the back door to the tenants' parking area.
His straight brows went flat on his eyes as he turned slowly.
The straight, strong brows were drawn together, the long lips taut in anxiety.
The eyes were wide and level under straight, rather long black brows.