"No one's going to recognize me with my hair like this," said Ms. Dahhan, whose long straight locks showed no hint of their natural curl.
His wet hair was plastered in straight locks about his face.
Little Sammie shook her long, straight locks of blond hair back from her face.
His hair fell over his forehead in a damp straight lock and his blue eyes were screwed up as if in concern or alarm.
"Enough to curl your hair," he told the lieutenant, who instinctively ran a hand through his short, straight locks.
Typically inscrutable, he wore a false beard as well as a long wig under his cowboy hat to send long straight locks dangling past his ears.
"It looks like it plumb died," she said, tugging on a straight lock over one eyebrow.
He was a long lanky fellow with straight black locks flat against his sallow face, and dark eyes that smouldered in hollow cavities.
Shiv ran a hand over his dead straight locks.
There was too much red hi her hair, and it was too curly to have come out of the same batch as his own straight, blue-black locks.