Domestic life has been strained ever since the events delicately referred to in the household as "the confusion."
Relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea have been strained since the border conflict that ended in 2000.
Relations between Britain and Iran have been strained since the Islamic revolution in 1979.
The relationship between foreign news organizations and the Chinese Government has often been strained, particularly since the military crackdown on dissent in June.
This relationship has been strained since the bin Laden killing.
Relations between the two countries have been strained since June, when protests began against military control of the nominally civilian Government.
Those relations had been severely strained since the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in late 1978.
They never had shared a warm relationship with their only child, but it had been especially strained since the scandal.
Things had been strained between us since the previous night.
Romania's relations with neighbour Moldova have been strained since 1994.