The broken segments still lay in a circular pattern, and, before my hand touched them, I had a strange aberration of vision.
Special Effects (SFX) in films are not a strange aberration from the cinematic norm.
This football business in Honolulu was one of the strangest aberrations in the Pacific.
He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head as if wondering at the sergeant's strange aberrations.
It is one of those strange psychological aberrations beyond human comprehension.
A year ago, I would have thought this to be a strange aberration, and here I am moving through this thing like I belong here.
The zealots grow bolder in their denunciations, and strange aberrations and cults have begun to appear.
To make matters worse, there had been a marked increase in the numbers of the "biomonsters," a catch-all term for the strange and violent aberrations of Motavia's flora and fauna.
The signs have been the strange aberrations of "nature," which are omens of what has now happened.
Thus the Gabriel Urist New Era pendant necklace offers not so much a strange aberration as a small case study of how such projects can come about.