Stars and Stripes, a strange, patriotic assemblage of mascarpone, pomegranate and grape panna cotta, is a nice gesture but a bad dessert, messy and disorganized.
Wally wasn't sure, but he thought that the stationmaster's assistant appeared to be in charge of this strange assemblage of people.
Suddenly, the old man's hunched, stooped body moved into view with unusual speed, blocking his progress toward the strange assemblage.
Before them was as strange and impressive an assemblage of Nobles, Courtiers and old friends as ever gathered together in any fairy realm.
Other than that, the GOP wannabees are a strange assemblage.
A strange assemblage, to be sure: some dressed in dark business suits, others in dark blue windbreakers with FBI boldly imprinted on the back.
Seconds into this strange assemblage of short fiction, the reader is hit with the sort of large-scale, uncosmetized sexual imagery that has become an international code for artistic subversion.
A strange assemblage of virtues and defects!
Including work drawn almost entirely from the gallery's collection, the show ranges from a wonderfully strange assemblage by Francis Picabia (noodles are involved) to recent prints by Kara Walker.