She expected the moment of nauseating disorientation, the strange visual auras, the itch in her nose.
Monty had come to accept Tabitha, for all her strange aura, and she was gladdened by this news.
These were largely empty when we were there, giving the whole place a strange aura of an abandoned colonial plantation.
Tonight, however, this place held a strange aura of foreboding.
The night of drinking had given him a strange pale aura, a quality of relentlessness.
From the start it is obvious the existence of a strange aura surrounding Divya's personality.
The town had been almost deserted, and it exuded a strange aura of old evil.
The change in him affected her like the Mahdoubt's strange aura.
At his touch, the globe was filled with moonlight-silver, red, even the strange aura of the black moon was visible.
She noticed a strange aura around the sun and a beam that seemed to be causing the instability.