All was still among the throng, as Scorpio began a strange, deep-voiced chant--a summons to the dead.
Nine The white-robed figures lowered their heads and began a strange, droning chant.
And a very strange chant came floating up the stairwell and through the open door.
As they rode, they sang, softly, muted, a strange chant.
Finally I left off words except for a strange chant.
Their voices rose in a strange meaningless chant, and they did not move from their tracks.
Then they walked to a little distance, and, seating themselves on the ground, began to talk together, and after a while to drone some strange chant in unison.
Ayla heard the plea, sung in a strange muted chant by the huge woman.
Some cringed in skin tents as their shamans beat drums and howled strange guttural chants.
You could hear him crooning strange chants to himself at times when he felt alone; when he didn't he was silent, withdrawn and morose.