In a strange confluence of fictional and real art, "Doktor Faustus" has had a galvanic effect on several composers of recent decades.
What did it mean, if anything, that he had returned to this place when he'd been swept back into the strange temporal confluence?
Life and death, dream and reality are in a strange confluence here.
Sudden Exposure There are these strange confluences in the lives of actors when they suddenly seem to be appearing in all sorts of films at once.
Friends and colleagues of Mr. Meade's said the strange confluence of events added up to no more than a tragedy.
As Stalin scornfully put it, 'the bourgeoisie of a strange confluence of circumstances has received its independence from the hands of a socialist Russia'.
As Eragon followed her, he sensed a strange confluence of energies below them and also the minds of five people whose thoughts were closed to him.
That realignment created a strange confluence of political interests between Republicans and black Democrats, who usually share little philosophical ground.
Picard felt the strange confluence of beauty, horror, and grief that was Rashanar, and he began to look for their real foe in the scattered ruins.
It's a strange confluence, and one that ever-insatiable gym goers are responding to enthusiastically.