Ignacio asked Rafe, observing his strange contortions.
The strange, violent contortions and grimaces of his features continued as the inner serpent-body squirmed and struggled to free itself of its mortal husk.
Pam walks around the living room, touching up the shooting victims who will spend most of their day lying in strange contortions on the furniture and floor, pretending to be dead.
As Clower pointed out, it takes a strange contortion of language to characterize the 1930s as a period in which the basic problem was that of an excess demand for goods!
The strangest contortion of astonishment, pain, and reluctant and grudging affection twisted his face.
His smile was a strange secret contortion of the lips; it had a gleeful slyness that was definitely unpleasant.
All of them impacted, rolled, fell, their faces twisted in strange contortions of pain and fear.
A successful argument must manage some strange contortions.
As the Siren who seduced him, Yuan Yuan Tan made her face an impassive mask while smoothly bending her body into one strange eye-catching contortion after another.
Ever wonder why pitchers go through those strange contortions to throw the ball?