To Margo, the name "Shadow" represented Cranston's other identity, the self wherein he tracked down strange curses and terminated their baleful influence.
Laughing madly and yelling strange curses, he swayed to and fro skillfully as horse and wagon clattered off down the road into the night.
"It's a strange curse to be married to a man without vanity," hJs wife muttered.
Using the Penvellyn family crest, Nancy opens the passage in question and discovers a strange curse etched above a door.
Meanwhile, it was oddly true that none of the king's own soldiers or advisers had been able to help him overcome his strange curse.
Yet read as I might, in no manner could I account for the strange curse upon my line.
Realizing that his and Kyrehx's strange curses come from the mask, he decides that it is too dangerous to exist.
What strange curse is on me?
Leaping freely beside Jake as he stumbled along, too weak to run, the foaming water of the little creek babbled warnings and strange curses.
His mother, Catherine de Médicis, who is the victim of strange curse, lost power 3 years previously.