And much of the City was aware that strange doings were afoot.
Reed must work hard to prove her innocence and find the real culprit behind the strange doings.
Having heard a great deal about their strange doings at these meetings, I begged very hard to be allowed to make one of the spectators.
For a brief period, strange doings were reported at Papillon.
The case is in Queens, where a series of cases from court dockets show that there have been some strange doings.
These were strange doings in a good Whig house!
God knew it was looking down on strange doings here.
Or so Kale comes to believe after observing some strange late-night doings at the man's house.
What was behind the strange doings in his home, and the disappearances of various men?
When tested with this key, the strange doings in Middeldorp became clear as day.