Perhaps this strange entity already had pursued the same line of questioning with my pals.
The Other-the strange entity that is the secret and backbone of Otherland.
When the strange entity looked at her, she had felt empty, no longer Marja, but a small nothing without identity.
With a long, flying leap, the strange entity sprang in air and gained the crystal sill of the open machine.
Far from helping to place the strange entity, this provisional dissection merely deepened its mystery.
Physicists continue to study these particles, and begin to realize they're very strange entities.
Modern elevators are strange and complex entities.
Several of the strange entities seize control of Dexter and his followers, in effect 'possessing' them.
She took only a millisecond, but brief as the moment was, the strange mental entity struck her.
In addition, he meets a strange entity chained to a rock by Them.