The detective was accustomed to being called away suddenly on strange errands, and he was always prepared to leave at a moment's notice.
When the Englishmen heard that he was from this part of the country they fell into talk with him, saying that they came upon a strange errand.
Many are the strange errands he has had thither; but this strange one is the last.
Meanwhile I was still struggling with a vision of Bruddersford filled with bustling automata who were really dead and, moving invisibly among them, slipping through on strange errands, the smiling dead who were really alive.
He was used to his King going off on strange errands without his guard-although usu- ally he had one of the kobolds or the wizard in tow.
He sends Michener to Romania with a message for a priest who runs an orphanage under appalling conditions, and gives him other strange errands.
They covered acre after acre and they towered for many stories high and the things that ran among them on their strange and many errands were not men, nor anything like men, but self-propelled machines.
But, I can tell you, the good folks still talk about Ethan Brand, in the village yonder, and what a strange errand took him away from his lime-kiln.
He had sent her on a lot of strange, urgent errands lately, trusting her far more than most men trusted any servant, let alone one they had known only a few months.
After brief consultation with his attorneys, an answer was sent to the effect that he would call in compliance with the request, and a little later he started upon his strange errand.