She would go out to the dining room, eat Chinese food, drink a bottle of beer, play pinochle, and pretend that she was not full of strange forebodings.
The next morning the old man led them with uncharacteristic straightforwardness and assurance, but Greylock felt a strange foreboding.
Haplo stared at the ruin with a strange foreboding.
Counselor Troi watched; though this was a routine operation, she had had a strange foreboding about it.
Their ruler had seemed moody of late, and given to strange forebodings.
An echo of the past, The Shadow's mirth carried a strange foreboding.
"It is not mine yet, and I have a strange foreboding that it never will be," she answered sadly.
Maggie is filled with strange foreboding as she watches scenes from the long-lost classic "Possessor," but not because she thinks it's ridiculous.
And then - close by The Shadow's ear came a voice, a low harsh tone that carried strange foreboding.
A strange and powerful foreboding depended on her.