His head rang with the impact and with a strange polyphonic harmony.
While everything coexists in a strange harmony and is ready to explode at anytime!
It was a strange harmony, vibrant but incomplete, unlike anything Cnom had ever heard.
Yet the slightly strange harmonies and quirky prolongations of sustained tones soon become unsettling.
His eerie voice rasped in strange harmony to the noise of the tragg'a. "One of us should keep watch."
Here and there was a music kiosk with the strange harmonies emanating from it.
Sensuous, sweet and strange harmony, and now he found himself in the very center of the music.
When he stopped at a traffic light two blocks away, he thought he heard dogs howling very far away in a strange close harmony.
The wind whistled through the perforated glass in the strangest harmony I have ever heard.
Her subject is both person and place, and the strange new harmonies and disharmonies they make together.