Listening to the strange intonation of the Easterner, watching the play of expression on his face, Caroline found herself just a little troubled.
The strange intonation was unfamiliar to me, but it was unmistakably a human voice.
Ikey had expected New York to be a city not unlike London, though perhaps more primitive, for New York too lay on a great river and spoke the English tongue with a strange half-Irish intonation.
The words came more fluently but still with a strange intonation.
There had been a strange subtle intonation in Stilgar's voice, as though he would rather have said something else.
Scott writes that as they walked by the sea, Swinburne declaimed his Hymn to Proserpine and Laus Veneris in his strange intonation, while the waves 'were running the whole length of the long level sands towards Cullercoats and sounding like far-off acclamations'.
The old man motioned me in with his right hand with a courtly gesture, saying in excellent English, but with a strange intonation.
"Please put the gun away, Mr. Savage," Bakkus said in that strange and unnatural intonation.
However, it was not Neb's speech which interrupted the conversation, but Top's barking, which broke out again with that strange intonation which had before perplexed the engineer.