It has been guessed already,' said Ingold; 'for there have been strange portents here of late.
Soon after the new friends arrive in Pompeii, water boils, tremors are felt and strange portents occur, especially during the feast of Vulcan.
"Perhaps I am destined to find my way back there and perhaps by some strange portent the people will recognize me as the descendant of one of their kings?"
On the eve of the battle, Antony's soldiers hear strange portents, which they interpret as the god Hercules abandoning his protection of Antony.
But strange portents develop following the funeral.
Evagh the warlock, dwelling beside the boreal sea, was aware of many strange and untimely portents in mid-summer.
Jean threw some cedar branches on the fire, in the light of which he opened his father's letter, hoping by repeated reading to grasp more of its strange portent.
And so she dwelt: the valley More peaceful year by year; When suddenly strange portents Of some great deed seemed near.
Recent strange portents, observed all over the globe, appear to indicate a time of great struggle approaching.
They had watched the strange portent with envy, incredulity, and awe.