I do not think that any one will ever again behold those strange relics of a past I know not how remote.
Having nice buildings is another strange relic of the previous government's Field of Dreams mentality.
Sect members are infamous for the strange relics that are affixed to both their clothing and skin.
The vast apartment was a strange relic of the forgotten past.
The vehicle is a strange relic, a hatchback Camry.
One thing that Western Europe can't offer you is the fascinating selection of strange and interesting relics left over from communist times.
Architects and antiquarians loved to examine this strange relic of forgotten centuries, but the country folk hated it.
It reminded him too vividly of strange relics found here.
I wish that people would stop being such turds to each other so your play becomes a strange relic of an alien past.
Walls and ceiling were thickly covered with a thousand strange relics from Egypt and the East.